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Reverse String Using Recursion

Reverse String Using Recursion

  • Problem Statement: Given a string str, the task is to reverse the string using a recursive function. The function should return the reversed string as the output.

  • Expected Time Complexity: 𝑂(𝑛)

  • Expected Auxiliary Space: 𝑂(𝑛)

C++ Implementation

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Solution {
string reverseString(string str) {
// Base case: If the string is empty or has only one character
if (str.length() <= 1) {
return str;
// Recursive case: Reverse the substring and append the first character at the end
return reverseString(str.substr(1)) + str[0];

int main() {
Solution solution;
string str = "hello";
cout << "Reversed string: " << solution.reverseString(str) << endl;
return 0;

Python Implementation

class Solution:
def reverse_string(self, s: str) -> str:
# Base case: If the string is empty or has only one character
if len(s) <= 1:
return s
# Recursive case: Reverse the substring and append the first character at the end
return self.reverse_string(s[1:]) + s[0]

# Example usage
solution = Solution()
s = "hello"
print("Reversed string:", solution.reverse_string(s))

Java Implementation

public class Solution {
public String reverseString(String str) {
// Base case: If the string is empty or has only one character
if (str.length() <= 1) {
return str;
// Recursive case: Reverse the substring and append the first character at the end
return reverseString(str.substring(1)) + str.charAt(0);

public static void main(String[] args) {
Solution solution = new Solution();
String str = "hello";
System.out.println("Reversed string: " + solution.reverseString(str));