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Look and Say Recursion


The Look and Say sequence is a mathematical sequence in which each term is generated by describing the digits of the previous term. The first term in the sequence is always "1", and each subsequent term is constructed by reading consecutive digits and saying how many of each digit are present.

For example, starting with "1":

  • The next term is "11" (one 1).
  • The following term is "21" (two 1s).
  • The next term is "1211" (one 2, one 1), and so on.

Problem Statement​

Given an integer n, return the nth term of the Look and Say sequence.


The Look and Say sequence can be generated recursively. We observe that each term is derived from the previous term by counting consecutive occurrences of digits and constructing the next term based on these counts.

For example:

  • Term 1: "1" → "11" (one 1)
  • Term 2: "11" → "21" (two 1s)
  • Term 3: "21" → "1211" (one 2, one 1)

Pseudo Code​

  1. Base Case: If n == 1, return "1".
  2. Recursive Call: Get the (n-1)th term.
  3. Process the previous term:
    • Iterate through the term and count consecutive occurrences of digits.
    • Append the count and the digit to the result string.
  4. Return the result for the nth term.


  1. Base Case: The first term is always "1".
  2. Recursive Construction: For each subsequent term, use the previous term to generate the current one by counting consecutive digits.
  3. Iterate: Loop through the digits of the previous term, counting how many times each digit appears consecutively.
  4. Form the New Term: For each group of consecutive digits, append the count followed by the digit itself to form the next term.
  5. Return the nth term: Repeat this process recursively or iteratively until the nth term is generated.

Implementation in C++​

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Solution {
// Function to recursively generate the nth term of the Look and Say sequence
string lookAndSay(int n) {
// Base case: the first term is "1"
if (n == 1) return "1";
// Get the previous term
string prevTerm = lookAndSay(n - 1);
string result = "";
int count = 1;

// Iterate through the previous term and generate the current term
for (int i = 1; i < prevTerm.length(); i++) {
// If the current digit matches the previous one, increment the count
if (prevTerm[i] == prevTerm[i - 1]) {
} else {
// Append the count and the digit to the result string
result += to_string(count) + prevTerm[i - 1];
count = 1; // Reset the count for the next group

// Append the last group to the result
result += to_string(count) + prevTerm[prevTerm.length() - 1];
return result;

int main() {
Solution obj;
int n = 5; // Let's find the 5th term in the Look and Say sequence
string result = obj.lookAndSay(n);

// Output the result
cout << "The " << n << "th term of the Look and Say sequence is: " << result << endl;
return 0;