📄️ Linked List Intersection
This tutorial explains how to find the intersection point of two singly linked lists using Python.
📄️ Polynomial Multiplication
A C++ program that multiplies two polynomials represented as linked lists, showcasing linked list operations and polynomial arithmetic.
📄️ Linked List Intersection
This tutorial explains how to find the intersection point of two singly linked lists using C++.
📄️ Introduction to Linked List
A Linked List is a linear data structure in which elements are stored in nodes, and each node points to the next node, forming a chain. Unlike arrays, linked lists do not store elements in contiguous memory locations. Instead, each node holds two main components: data and a reference (or pointer) to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows for dynamic memory allocation, meaning the list can grow or shrink as needed without reallocating or resizing.
📄️ Max Twin Sum
This tutorial explains how to find the maximum twin sum in a linked list using C.
📄️ Linked List Intersection
This tutorial explains how to merge two sorted list using Cpp.
📄️ Next Greater Node
This tutorial explains how to find the next greater node in a linked list using C++.
📄️ Polynomial Representation of Linked List
This tutorial explains how to represent and manipulate a polynomial using a linked list in C++.
📄️ Linked List Intersection
This tutorial explains how to remove duplicates from sorted list using Cpp.
📄️ Linked List Swapping
This tutorial explains how to swap the kth node from the beginning and kth node from the end of a linked list.
📄️ Introduction to Circular Linked List
A Circular Linked List is a linked data structure where the last node points back to the first node, forming a circle. This structure allows for efficient traversal and can be either singly or doubly linked.
📄️ Introduction to Circular Doubly Linked List
A Circular Doubly Linked List is a variation of a doubly linked list in which the last node points back to the first node, and the first node points to the last node.
📄️ Floyd's Cycle Detection
Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algorithm, also called the Tortoise and Hare Algorithm, is a method used to detect cycles in a linked list. It uses two pointers that move at different speeds through the list to determine if a cycle exists.
📄️ Introduction to Doubly Linked List
A Doubly Linked List (DLL) is a type of linked data structure that consists of nodes. Each node contains three fields: data, a pointer to the next node, and a pointer to the previous node. This structure allows traversal in both directions—forward and backward.
📄️ Different Approaches in Linked List
Linked lists are dynamic data structures, and various approaches can be used to solve problems involving linked lists. This file outlines iterative and recursive approaches used to implement and manipulate linked lists.
📄️ Introduction to Hare and Tortoise Algorithm
The Hare and Tortoise Algorithm, also known as Floyd's Cycle Detection Algorithm, is a method used to detect cycles in a linked list. It employs two pointers that move at different speeds to identify whether a cycle exists.
📄️ Practice Problems
1. Basic Operations on Linked List
📄️ Introduction to Doubly Linked List
A doubly linked list is a dynamic data structure where each node contains two pointers, one pointing to the previous node and another pointing to the next node, and one is data field. This enables efficient traversal in both directions, making it a versatile structure for scenarios where bi-directional data manipulation is needed.
📄️ Polynomial-addition
Addition of two polynomials represented as linked lists and displays the resulting polynomial
📄️ Range Sum of Linked List
Calculate the sum of node values within this range.