📄️ Binary Trees
In this blog post, we'll explore binary trees, a fundamental data structure in computer science that enables efficient data organization and retrieval.
📄️ Merkle Tree Algorithm
The Merkle Tree is a cryptographic structure used for efficient and secure data verification in distributed systems.
📄️ Binary Tree Operations
In this blog post, we'll cover the basic operations on binary trees, including insertion, deletion, searching, and traversal techniques, with examples in C++.
📄️ Splay Trees
In this blog post, we'll explore Splay Trees, a type of self-adjusting binary search tree that provides amortized logarithmic time complexity for search, insertion, and deletion operations.
📄️ Maximum Depth
This blog post covers how to find the maximum depth (or height) of a binary tree in C++, along with explanations and code examples.
📄️ Minimum Depth
This blog post covers how to find the minimum depth (or height) of a binary tree in C++, along with explanations and code examples.
📄️ expression tree
Given a postfix expression construct a tree that stores operator as internal nodes and the opernads as leaves. On inorder traversal it gives the infix expression of the postfix.
📄️ Practice Problems
In this post, we'll provide a list of curated practice problems on Binary Trees from platforms like LeetCode and GeeksforGeeks. Binary Trees are fundamental in computer science, and practicing these problems will help in strengthening your understanding of tree data structures.