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Intersection of Two Linked Lists

Problem Statement​

In a linked list, the intersection of two lists occurs when two linked lists share a common node. Given two linked lists, this problem aims to find the node where the two lists intersect. If they do not intersect, the result should be None.


Consider the following two linked lists:

  • List A: 1 -> 2 -> 3
  • List B: 4 -> 5
  • Both lists intersect at the node with value 3.

The expected output in this case is:


To solve this problem, we can use a hash set to store the nodes of the first linked list. As we traverse the second linked list, we can check if any node exists in the set. If we find a match, that node is the intersection point.


  1. Traverse the first linked list and add each node to a set.
  2. Traverse the second linked list and check if any node is in the set.
  3. If a node is found in the set, return that node as the intersection.
  4. If no nodes match, return None.

Python Code​

Below is the implementation of the solution in Python:

class ListNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x = None

class Solution:
def getIntersectionNode(self, headA: ListNode, headB: ListNode) -> ListNode:
# Using a set to store the nodes of the first linked list
seen_nodes = set()
curr = headA

while curr:
seen_nodes.add(curr) # Add the current node to the set
curr =

curr2 = headB
while curr2:
if curr2 in seen_nodes: # Check if current node is in the set
return curr2 # Intersection found
curr2 =

return None # No intersection

# Helper function to create a linked list from a list
def create_linked_list(values):
if not values:
return None
head = ListNode(values[0])
curr = head
for value in values[1:]: = ListNode(value)
curr =
return head

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create linked lists for the example
# List A: 1 -> 2 -> 3
# List B: 4 -> 5
# Intersection at node with value 3
intersection_node = ListNode(3)

headA = create_linked_list([1, 2]) = intersection_node # Connect intersection
headB = create_linked_list([4, 5]) = intersection_node # Connect intersection

solution = Solution()
intersection = solution.getIntersectionNode(headA, headB)

if intersection:
print(f"Intersection at node with value: {intersection.val}")
print("No intersection")