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Problem Statement:​

You are given the reference of a node in a connected undirected graph. Return a deep copy (clone) of the graph. Each node in the graph contains a value and a list of its neighbors. There are n nodes in the graph each with a unique value from 0 to n-1.



  • A pointer/reference to a node of the original graph. Each node is represented as follows:
    • An integer val, which is the unique value of the node.
    • A list of pointers/references to neighboring nodes.


  • A pointer/reference to the corresponding cloned node of the graph.


  • The graph is guaranteed to be connected and undirected.
  • The node values are unique integers ranging from 0 to n - 1, where n is the number of nodes in the graph.


To clone a graph, perform a depth-first search (DFS) or breadth-first search (BFS) starting from the given node, using a hash map to track visited nodes and ensure that each node is cloned only once, along with its neighbors.

Algorithm Steps​

  1. Check for Null Node:

    • If the input node is null, return null.
  2. Check Visited Nodes:

    • If the node has already been cloned (exists in the visited map), return the clone from the map.
  3. Create a Clone Node:

    • Create a new node with the same value as the original node.
    • Store the clone in the visited map.
  4. Clone Neighbors:

    • Iterate through each neighbor of the original node:
      • Recursively call the clone function for each neighbor.
      • Add the cloned neighbor to the neighbors list of the cloned node.
  5. Return Cloned Node:

    • After cloning all neighbors, return the cloned node.

Time Complexity:​

  • The time complexity of the graph cloning algorithm is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. Each node and its neighbors are visited once during the DFS traversal, making the process linear with respect to the graph's size. The use of a map to track visited nodes ensures efficient lookups.

Sample Input:​

/ \

Sample Output:​

Original graph: Node: 0 Neighbors: 1 2 Node: 1 Neighbors: 0 2 Node: 2 Neighbors: 0 1

Cloned graph: Node: 0 Neighbors: 1 2 Node: 1 Neighbors: 0 2 Node: 2 Neighbors: 0 1

C++ Implementation:​

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Node {
int val;
vector<Node*> neighbors;

Node(int _val) {
val = _val;
neighbors = vector<Node*>();

class Solution {
unordered_map<Node*, Node*> visited;

Node* cloneGraph(Node* node) {
if (!node) return nullptr;
if (visited.find(node) != visited.end()) {
return visited[node];

Node* cloneNode = new Node(node->val);
visited[node] = cloneNode;

for (Node* neighbor : node->neighbors) {

return cloneNode;

void printGraph(Node* node, unordered_map<Node*, bool>& printed) {
if (!node || printed[node]) return;

printed[node] = true; // Mark this node as printed
cout << "Node: " << node->val << " Neighbors: ";
for (Node* neighbor : node->neighbors) {
cout << neighbor->val << " ";
cout << endl;

for (Node* neighbor : node->neighbors) {
printGraph(neighbor, printed);

int main() {
Node* node0 = new Node(0);
Node* node1 = new Node(1);
Node* node2 = new Node(2);


Solution solution;
Node* clonedGraph = solution.cloneGraph(node0);

// Print the original graph
cout << "Original graph:" << endl;
unordered_map<Node*, bool> printed;
printGraph(node0, printed);

// Print the cloned graph
cout << "\nCloned graph:" << endl;
printed.clear(); // Reset printed map for cloned graph
printGraph(clonedGraph, printed);

return 0;