Ant Colony Optimization for TSP
The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is a probabilistic optimization algorithm inspired by the foraging behavior of ants. It is widely applied to solve combinatorial optimization problems such as the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), where the goal is to find the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city.
Swarm Intelligence:
- ACO is based on the collective behavior of ants that deposit pheromones on paths as they search for food, guiding other ants toward shorter paths over time.
Pheromone Trails:
- The algorithm uses pheromone trails to mark paths between cities. The amount of pheromone on a path reflects its desirability, guiding subsequent choices for other ants.
Heuristic Information:
- In addition to pheromone levels, ants consider a heuristic measure (e.g., distance) to select paths, striking a balance between exploration and exploitation.
Parameter Tuning:
- Parameters such as alpha (influence of pheromone), beta (influence of distance), and evaporation rate control the algorithm’s convergence speed and solution quality.
Python Implementation:​
import copy
import random
cities = {
0: [0, 0],
1: [0, 5],
2: [3, 8],
3: [8, 10],
4: [12, 8],
5: [12, 4],
6: [8, 0],
7: [6, 2],
def main(
cities: dict[int, list[int]],
ants_num: int,
iterations_num: int,
pheromone_evaporation: float,
alpha: float,
beta: float,
q: float, # Pheromone system constant
) -> tuple[list[int], float]:
"""Ant colony optimization main function for TSP."""
cities_num = len(cities)
pheromone = [[1.0] * cities_num] * cities_num
best_path: list[int] = []
best_distance = float("inf")
for _ in range(iterations_num):
ants_route = []
for _ in range(ants_num):
unvisited_cities = copy.deepcopy(cities)
current_city = {next(iter(cities.keys())): next(iter(cities.values()))}
del unvisited_cities[next(iter(current_city.keys()))]
ant_route = [next(iter(current_city.keys()))]
while unvisited_cities:
current_city, unvisited_cities = city_select(
pheromone, current_city, unvisited_cities, alpha, beta
pheromone, best_path, best_distance = pheromone_update(
return best_path, best_distance
def distance(city1: list[int], city2: list[int]) -> float:
"""Calculate the Euclidean distance between two cities."""
return (((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2) + ((city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)) ** 0.5
def pheromone_update(
pheromone: list[list[float]],
cities: dict[int, list[int]],
pheromone_evaporation: float,
ants_route: list[list[int]],
q: float,
best_path: list[int],
best_distance: float,
) -> tuple[list[list[float]], list[int], float]:
"""Update pheromones on routes and determine the best route."""
for a in range(len(cities)):
for b in range(len(cities)):
pheromone[a][b] *= pheromone_evaporation
for ant_route in ants_route:
total_distance = 0.0
for i in range(len(ant_route) - 1):
total_distance += distance(cities[ant_route[i]], cities[ant_route[i + 1]])
delta_pheromone = q / total_distance
for i in range(len(ant_route) - 1):
pheromone[ant_route[i]][ant_route[i + 1]] += delta_pheromone
pheromone[ant_route[i + 1]][ant_route[i]] = pheromone[ant_route[i]][
ant_route[i + 1]
if total_distance < best_distance:
best_path = ant_route
best_distance = total_distance
return pheromone, best_path, best_distance
def city_select(
pheromone: list[list[float]],
current_city: dict[int, list[int]],
unvisited_cities: dict[int, list[int]],
alpha: float,
beta: float,
) -> tuple[dict[int, list[int]], dict[int, list[int]]]:
"""Select the next city based on pheromone levels and distances."""
probabilities = []
for city in unvisited_cities:
city_distance = distance(
unvisited_cities[city], next(iter(current_city.values()))
probability = (pheromone[city][next(iter(current_city.keys()))] ** alpha) * (
(1 / city_distance) ** beta
chosen_city_i = random.choices(
list(unvisited_cities.keys()), weights=probabilities
chosen_city = {chosen_city_i: unvisited_cities[chosen_city_i]}
del unvisited_cities[next(iter(chosen_city.keys()))]
return chosen_city, unvisited_cities
if __name__ == "__main__":
best_path, best_distance = main(
print(f"{best_path = }")
print(f"{best_distance = }")
Time Complexity:​
- Time Complexity: O(N * ants_num * iterations_num)
The time complexity depends on the number of cities (N), the number of ants (ants_num), and the number of iterations (iterations_num).
Space Complexity:​
- Space Complexity: O(N^2) The algorithm requires storage for pheromone levels on all paths, resulting in a space complexity of O(N^2) for a fully connected graph.
The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm effectively tackles the Travelling Salesman Problem by simulating ant behavior with pheromone trails to find the shortest path. By balancing pheromone influence and heuristic distance measures, the algorithm iteratively improves routes, offering a practical solution for complex optimization challenges. This approach is highly valuable in network routing, scheduling, and various other optimization domains.