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Check Palindrome Using Deque

A palindrome is a string that reads the same forwards and backwards. This guide explains how to check if a string is a palindrome using a deque (double-ended queue) data structure, which allows for efficient operations at both ends.


Using a deque to check for palindromes leverages its ability to add or remove elements from both ends in constant time. This makes it a suitable choice for the task, as we can compare characters from the front and back of the string until we reach the center.

Steps to Check Palindrome

  1. Add each character of the string to the deque.
  2. Remove and compare characters from both ends of the deque until the middle is reached.
  3. If all pairs match, the string is a palindrome; otherwise, it is not.


Python Code

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

bool isPalindrome(const string& s) {
deque<char> d;

// Load the deque with each character from the string
for (char ch : s) {

// Compare characters from both ends
while (d.size() > 1) {
if (d.front() != d.back()) {
return false; // Not a palindrome if characters don't match
d.pop_front(); // Remove the front character
d.pop_back(); // Remove the back character

return true; // All pairs matched, so it is a palindrome

int main() {
string str1 = "radar";
cout << str1 << " is a palindrome: " << (isPalindrome(str1) ? "True" : "False") << endl;

string str2 = "hello";
cout << str2 << " is a palindrome: " << (isPalindrome(str2) ? "True" : "False") << endl;

return 0;


Time Complexity:

is_palindrome: 𝑂(𝑛) O(n), where 𝑛 is the length of the string (since each character is dequeued once from both ends).

Space Complexity: 𝑂(𝑛)

O(n), where 𝑛 is the number of characters in the deque.

Explanation of Code

Initialize a deque with the characters of the string. Use a while loop to repeatedly remove characters from the front and back of the deque. Return False if any character pair doesn't match; otherwise, return True when the loop completes.


The palindrome check has applications in string processing, data validation, and computer science algorithms. Deques provide an efficient way to check for palindromes with minimal memory overhead.