📄️ Sweep Line Algorithm
This document explains the Merge Intervals problem using the Sweep Line Algorithm, including its description, approach, and implementation in C++.
📄️ First Come First Served Scheduling
First Come First Served (FCFS) is a simple scheduling algorithm where processes are handled in the order they arrive, without priority.
📄️ Round Robin Scheduling
Round Robin (RR) is a preemptive scheduling algorithm where each process is assigned a fixed time slice in a cyclic order.
📄️ Shortest Job Remaining First Scheduling
Shortest Job Remaining First (SJR) is a preemptive scheduling algorithm that selects the process with the smallest remaining time to execute next.
📄️ Least Recently used Scheduling
An overview of Least Recently Used Scheduling and its applications in programming.
📄️ Priority Scheduling
An overview of Priority Scheduling and its applications in programming.
📄️ Priority Scheduling
Priority Scheduling is a scheduling algorithm that selects processes based on priority. Higher priority processes are executed before lower priority ones.
📄️ Multilevel Queue Scheduling Algorithm
An overview of the Multilevel Queue Scheduling Algorithm and its applications in programming.
📄️ Least Recently Used
The Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm is a cache replacement policy that evicts the least recently used items first.
📄️ Earliest Deadline First
Earliest Deadline First (EDF) is a dynamic priority scheduling algorithm where processes are scheduled according to their deadlines. The process with the nearest deadline is executed first.