Top K Frequent Elements Using Hash Map and Heap
Problem Description:​
Given an array of integers, return the K most frequent elements. You may assume that K is always valid, i.e., 1 ≤ K ≤ number of unique elements. The output order does not matter.
Input: nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3], K = 2
Output: [1,2]
To find the K most frequent elements efficiently, we can use a hash map to count the frequency of each element, and then a min heap (priority queue) to keep track of the top K elements based on their frequency.
- Count the Frequency: Use a hash map to store the frequency of each element in the array.
- Use a Min Heap: Push elements into a min heap based on their frequency. If the heap size exceeds K, remove the element with the lowest frequency.
- Extract the Results: After processing all elements, the heap contains the K most frequent elements.
Time Complexity:​
O(n) for counting frequencies, where n is the number of elements in the array. O(n log K) for heap operations, as each element may be inserted and possibly removed once.
C++ Implementation:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the top K frequent elements
vector<int> topKFrequent(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
// Step 1: Count frequency of each element
unordered_map<int, int> frequencyMap;
for (int num : nums) {
// Step 2: Use a min heap to keep track of top K elements
priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>>, greater<pair<int, int>>> minHeap;
// Insert elements into the heap
for (const auto& [num, freq] : frequencyMap) {
minHeap.push({freq, num});
if (minHeap.size() > k) {
minHeap.pop(); // Remove the element with the lowest frequency
// Step 3: Extract elements from the heap
vector<int> result;
while (!minHeap.empty()) {
return result;
int main() {
// Example input
vector<int> nums = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3};
int k = 2;
// Find and display the top K frequent elements
vector<int> result = topKFrequent(nums, k);
cout << "Top " << k << " frequent elements are: ";
for (int num : result) {
cout << num << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
Python Implementation:
from collections import Counter
import heapq
def topKFrequent(nums, k):
# Step 1: Count frequency of each element
frequency_map = Counter(nums)
# Step 2: Use a min heap to keep track of top K elements
min_heap = []
# Insert elements into the heap
for num, freq in frequency_map.items():
heapq.heappush(min_heap, (freq, num))
if len(min_heap) > k:
heapq.heappop(min_heap) # Remove the element with the lowest frequency
# Step 3: Extract elements from the heap
result = [num for freq, num in min_heap]
return result
# Example usage
nums = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]
k = 2
print("Top", k, "frequent elements are:", topKFrequent(nums, k))