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Size of Largest BST in Binary Tree (GFG)


The Size of Largest BST in Binary Tree problem is based on determining whether the subtree rooted at each node is a Binary Search Tree (BST). If any node follows the properties of a BST and has the maximum size, we update the size of the largest BST.

Problem Definition​


  • A binary tree


  • Find the size of largest BST in tree

Algorithm Overview​

  1. Recursion Approach:
  • Create a structure to store the minimum value, maximum value, and size of the largest BST for any given subtree.
  • Implement a recursive function that traverse through the binary tree.
  • For each node, first, recursively gather information from its left and right children.
  • For each node, check whether the current subtree is a BST by comparing the node’s value with the maximum of the left subtree and the minimum of the right subtree.
  • If the conditions are satisfied, update the size of the largest BST found by combining the sizes of the valid left and right subtrees with the current node.
  • As the recursive calls return, keep track of the largest BST size. - Finally, after traversing the entire tree, return the size of the largest BST found.
  1. Return size, which indicates the size of the largest BST found.

Time Complexity​

  • Time Complexity: O(N) as we have to traverse throughout the tree consisting of N nodes.
  • Space Complexity: O(N) for auxiliary stack space storing all the recursive calls.

C++ Implementation​

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

class Solution {
class Node {
int data;
Node *left;
Node *right;

Node(int val) {
data = val;
left = nullptr;
right = nullptr;

// Information about the subtree: Minimum value,
// Maximum value, and Size of the largest BST
class BSTInfo {
int min;
int max;
int mxSz;

BSTInfo(int mn, int mx, int sz) {
min = mn;
max = mx;
mxSz = sz;

// Function to determine the largest BST in the binary tree
BSTInfo largestBSTBT(Node *root) {
if (!root)
return BSTInfo(INT_MAX, INT_MIN, 0);

BSTInfo left = largestBSTBT(root->left);
BSTInfo right = largestBSTBT(root->right);

// Check if the current subtree is a BST
if (left.max < root->data && right.min > root->data) {
return BSTInfo(min(left.min, root->data),
max(right.max, root->data), 1 + left.mxSz + right.mxSz);

return BSTInfo(INT_MIN, INT_MAX, max(left.mxSz, right.mxSz));

// Function to return the size of the largest BST
int largestBST(Node *root) {
return largestBSTBT(root).mxSz;
