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39 docs tagged with "react-js"

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BEM naming convention for organized CSS classes

Learn how to use the BEM (Block Element Modifier) naming convention to create organized and maintainable CSS classes in your React applications. BEM helps you structure your stylesheets by defining a clear naming convention for CSS classes, making it easier to understand and maintain your styles.

Best practices for effective React testing

In this lesson, you will learn best practices for writing effective tests for React components using Jest, Enzyme, React Testing Library, and other testing frameworks. We will cover strategies for testing different aspects of React components, handling common testing scenarios, and optimizing your test suite for better performance and reliability.

Building a production-ready build of your React application

In this lesson, you will learn how to build a production-ready version of your React application. We will cover the steps involved in creating an optimized build, configuring environment variables, and deploying your application to a hosting service.

Context API for managing global state without prop drilling (Optional)

Learn how to use the Context API in React to manage global state without prop drilling. The Context API provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. This lesson will introduce you to the Context API and show you how to use it to manage global state in your React applications.

CSS Modules for component-scoped styling

Learn how to use CSS Modules to create component-scoped styles in React applications. CSS Modules allow you to write modular and reusable styles for your components without worrying about global CSS conflicts.

Deploying React apps: Static hosting vs Server hosting

In this lesson, you will learn about the different hosting options available for deploying React applications. We will compare static hosting and server hosting, discuss the pros and cons of each approach, and explore popular hosting services for React applications.

Error handling in React components

In this lesson, you will learn how to handle errors in React components using error boundaries. We will cover what error boundaries are, how to create custom error boundaries, and best practices for handling errors in your React applications.

Handling asynchronous operations (promises, async/await)

Learn how to handle asynchronous operations in React using promises, async/await, and the useEffect hook. Asynchronous operations are common in web development, and React provides several ways to manage asynchronous code and update your application's state with the results.

Handling form submissions (sending data or local processing)

learn how to handle form submissions in React applications. Handling form submissions involves sending form data to a server or processing it locally within the application. In this lesson, we will explore how to handle form submissions in React using event handlers and state management.

Higher-Order Components (HOCs) for reusable component patterns

In this lesson, you will learn about Higher-Order Components (HOCs) in React and how they can be used to create reusable component patterns. We will cover what HOCs are, how to create HOCs, and best practices for using HOCs in your React applications.

Introduction to Redux: Advanced state management for complex applications

Learn how to use Redux for advanced state management in React applications. Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps that helps you manage complex application state in a more organized and efficient way. This lesson will introduce you to the core concepts of Redux and show you how to integrate Redux into your React applications.

Introduction to routing concepts in React applications

Learn how to implement client-side routing in React applications using the React Router library. Routing is an essential concept in web development that allows you to navigate between different pages or views in a single-page application (SPA). React Router provides a declarative way to define routes, handle navigation, and manage the application's UI based on the current URL.

Making API calls using fetch() or axios

Learn how to make API calls in React using the fetch() method or the axios library. Making API calls is a common task in web development, and React provides several ways to fetch data from external APIs and update your application's state with the response.

Rendering fetched data from APIs

Learn how to render data fetched from external APIs in React components. Rendering fetched data is a common task in web development, and React provides a way to update your application's UI with the data retrieved from API calls.

Understanding the challenges of prop drilling

Learn about the challenges of prop drilling in React applications and how to avoid them using context, Redux, or other state management libraries. Prop drilling can lead to complex and hard-to-maintain code, especially in large applications with deeply nested components.

Unit Testing with Jest (Optional)

In this lesson, we will learn about unit testing with Jest. We will cover the basics of unit testing, setting up Jest in a React project, writing test cases for components, hooks, and utilities, and running tests with Jest.

Welcome to React.js Learning Path

Welcome to the React.js Learning Path! In this path, you will learn the fundamentals of React.js, including components, props, state, and more. You will also learn how to build interactive web applications, create dynamic user interfaces, and develop modern web applications using React.js. Let's get started!

What is React and why use it?

In this lesson, we will learn what React is and why we should use it. We will also learn about the history of React and its features.