📄️ Introduction to JavaScript
What is JavaScript? Why JavaScript? How to use JavaScript? Learn about JavaScript in this tutorial.
📄️ Where to JavaScript
Where to write JavaScript code? Learn about the different places where JavaScript code can be written such as inline JavaScript, internal JavaScript, and external JavaScript.
📄️ Basic JavaScript
Basic concepts of JavaScript. Learn about displaying output in JavaScript, JavaScript display possibilities, and more.
📄️ Statement in JavaScript
Write statements in JavaScript to perform different actions. Learn about different types of statements in JavaScript such as declaration statement, assignment statement, conditional statement, loop statement, function statement, return statement, break statement, continue statement, try...catch statement, and throw statement.
📄️ Syntax of JavaScript
Write a JavaScript program using the syntax of JavaScript. Learn about the syntax of JavaScript, how to create a JavaScript file, how to create variables, how to use variables, how to create and use functions, JavaScript values, operators, literals, keywords, comments, statements, expressions, identifiers, naming conventions, case sensitivity, and the JavaScript character set.
📄️ Comments in JavaScript
Write comments in JavaScript to explain the code and make it more readable. Learn about single-line comments and multi-line comments in JavaScript.
📄️ Variables in JavaScript
What are variables in JavaScript? How to declare and initialize variables in JavaScript? Learn about variable naming rules and best practices.
📄️ Let Keyword
What is the let keyword in JavaScript and how to use it.
📄️ Const Keyword
What is the const keyword in JavaScript and how to use it.
🗃️ Operators in JavaScript
9 items
🗃️ Data Types in JavaScript
3 items
📄️ Events
What is the event in JavaScript? How to handle events in JavaScript? Learn about different types of events, event listeners, event objects, event propagation, and how to prevent default behavior and stop event propagation.
📄️ Strings in JavaScript
In the JavaScript programming language, strings are text that is displayed on the screen. They are used to store and manipulate text. In this section, you will learn how to create and manipulate strings in JavaScript. You will also learn about the different methods that can be used to manipulate strings. We are going to cover the following topics in this section:
📄️ Numbers
In the JavaScript programming language, numbers are used to represent numerical values. In this section, you will learn how to create and manipulate numbers in JavaScript. You will also learn about the different methods that can be used to manipulate numbers. We are going to cover the following topics in this section:
📄️ Arrays
In the JavaScript programming language, arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable. In this section, you will learn how to create and manipulate arrays in JavaScript. You will also learn about the different methods that can be used to manipulate arrays. We are going to cover the following topics in this section:
📄️ Objects
In this tutorial, we will learn about objects in JavaScript. We will learn how to create objects, access object properties, and methods. We will also learn about object destructuring, object methods, and object prototypes.
📄️ Math
In this tutorial, we will learn about the Math object in JavaScript. We will learn about the properties and methods of the Math object.
📄️ Random
In this tutorial, we will learn about the Math.random() method in JavaScript. We will learn how to generate random numbers in JavaScript.
📄️ If...Else
In this tutorial, we will learn about the if...else statement in JavaScript. We will learn how to use the if...else statement to make decisions in JavaScript.
📄️ Switch Statement
In this tutorial, we will learn about the switch statement in JavaScript. We will learn how to use the switch statement to make decisions in JavaScript.
📄️ For Loop
In this tutorial, we will learn about the for loop in JavaScript. We will learn how to use the for loop to execute a block of code multiple times in JavaScript.
📄️ For...In
In this tutorial, we will learn about the for...in loop in JavaScript. We will learn how to use the for...in loop to iterate over the properties of an object in JavaScript.
📄️ For...Of
In this tutorial, we will learn about the for...of loop in JavaScript. We will learn how to use the for...of loop to iterate over the elements of an iterable object in JavaScript.
📄️ While Loop
In this tutorial, we will learn about the while loop in JavaScript. We will learn how to use the while loop to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a specified condition is true.
📄️ Break
In this tutorial, we will learn about the break statement in JavaScript. We will learn how to use the break statement to exit a loop prematurely in JavaScript.
📄️ Sets
In this tutorial, we will learn about sets in JavaScript. We will learn how to use sets to store unique values in JavaScript.
📄️ Maps
In this tutorial, we will learn about maps in JavaScript. We will learn how to use maps to store key-value pairs in JavaScript.
📄️ typeof
In this tutorial, we will learn about the typeof operator in JavaScript. We will learn how to use the typeof operator to determine the type of a value in JavaScript.
📄️ Regular Expressions
In this tutorial, we will learn about regular expressions in JavaScript. We will learn how to create and use regular expressions to match, search, replace, and split strings in JavaScript.
📄️ Precedence and Associativity of Operators
In this tutorial, we will learn about the precedence and associativity of operators in JavaScript. The precedence of operators determines the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression. The associativity of operators determines the order in which operators of the same precedence are evaluated in an expression. We will see some examples to understand the precedence and associativity of operators in JavaScript.
📄️ Errors
In this tutorial, we will learn about errors in JavaScript. Errors are unexpected events that occur during the execution of a program. We will see the different types of errors in JavaScript and how to handle them using try...catch...finally blocks.
📄️ Scopes
In this tutorial, we will learn about scopes in JavaScript. A scope is a region of a program where a variable is defined and can be accessed. We will see the different types of scopes in JavaScript and how they work.
📄️ Strict Mode
In this tutorial, we will learn about strict mode in JavaScript. Strict mode is a feature that allows you to place a program or a function in a strict operating context. It helps catch common coding errors and makes the code more secure and optimized.
📄️ this Keyword
In this tutorial, we will learn about the `this` keyword in JavaScript. The `this` keyword refers to the object on which a function is being invoked. The value of `this` depends on how a function is called. We will see how `this` works in different contexts such as functions, methods, constructors, arrow functions, event handlers, callbacks, nested functions, global scope, strict mode, modules, classes, prototypes, async functions, promises, generators, iterators, destructuring, spread operator, rest parameters, default parameters, computed properties, dynamic properties, getters, setters, static methods, private methods, public methods, protected methods, instance methods, static properties, private properties, public properties, protected properties, instance properties, static accessors, private accessors, etc.
📄️ Arrow Function
In this tutorial, we will learn about the Arrow Function in JavaScript with the help of examples.
📄️ Classes
In this tutorial, you will learn about classes in JavaScript, a new feature introduced in ES6 (ES2015) that allows you to create objects using the class keyword.
📄️ Modules
In this tutorial, you will learn about modules in JavaScript, a new feature introduced in ES6 (ES2015) that allows you to organize your code into reusable pieces.
In this tutorial, we will learn about JSON in JavaScript. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.
📄️ Debugging
In this tutorial, you will learn how to debug JavaScript code in the browser using the Chrome DevTools. We will cover the basics of debugging, including breakpoints, console, sources, call stack, watch, scope, network, performance, memory, profiling, and code coverage.
📄️ Style Guide
In this tutorial, we will learn about the style guide in JavaScript. We will learn about the best practices, coding standards, recommendations, conventions, rules, linting, ESLint, Prettier, Airbnb, Google, Standard, AirBnB, Google, Standard, Airbnb ESLint, Google ESLint, Standard ESLint, Airbnb Prettier, Google Prettier, Standard Prettier, Airbnb Linting, Google Linting, Standard Linting, Airbnb Prettier Linting, Google Prettier Linting, Standard Prettier Linting.
📄️ Best Practices
In this tutorial, we will learn about the best practices in JavaScript. We will learn about the coding standards, recommendations, conventions, rules, linting, ESLint, Prettier.
📄️ Mistakes
In this tutorial, we will learn about the common mistakes in JavaScript that developers make and how to avoid them. We will learn about the common pitfalls, bugs, and errors in JavaScript code and how to fix them.
📄️ Performance
In this tutorial, we will learn about performance optimization in JavaScript. We will discuss various techniques and best practices to improve the performance of your JavaScript code and make it run faster.
🗃️ Versions of JavaScript
11 items