Hey there! In this guide, we'll explore classes in Python. Classes are a fundamental part of object-oriented programming in Python. Let's dive in!
Python Classes
Python supports object-oriented programming, and classes are a fundamental part of this paradigm.
A class is a blueprint for creating objects, defining their attributes and methods.
1. Creating a Simple Class​
Here's how to define a simple class with attributes and methods.
class Dog: # Define a class named Dog
def __init__(self, name, age): # Constructor method to initialize attributes
self.name = name # Assign name to the instance
self.age = age # Assign age to the instance
def bark(self): # Method to make the dog bark
return 'Woof!' # Return barking sound
2. Creating an Object​
You can create an object (instance) of the class like this:
my_dog = Dog('Buddy', 3) # Create an instance of Dog class
print(my_dog.name) # Access the name attribute: Buddy
print(my_dog.age) # Access the age attribute: 3
print(my_dog.bark()) # Call the bark method: Woof!
3. Class Inheritance​
Classes can inherit attributes and methods from other classes.
class Animal: # Base class
def __init__(self, species): # Constructor for species
self.species = species # Assign species to the instance
class Cat(Animal): # Cat class inherits from Animal
def __init__(self, name, age): # Constructor method for Cat
super().__init__('Cat') # Call the base class constructor
self.name = name # Assign name to the instance
self.age = age # Assign age to the instance
def meow(self): # Method to make the cat meow
return 'Meow!' # Return meowing sound
4. Creating an Inherited Object​
You can create an object of the inherited class like this:
my_cat = Cat('Whiskers', 2) # Create an instance of Cat class
print(my_cat.species) # Access inherited species attribute: Cat
print(my_cat.name) # Access name attribute: Whiskers
print(my_cat.meow()) # Call the meow method: Meow!
5. Class Methods and Static Methods​
You can define class methods and static methods in a class.
class MathOperations: # Define a class for math operations
@staticmethod # Static method decorator
def add(x, y): # Static method to add two numbers
return x + y # Return the sum
@classmethod # Class method decorator
def multiply(cls, x, y): # Class method to multiply two numbers
return x * y # Return the product
6. Using Class and Static Methods​
Here's how to use the class and static methods:
sum_result = MathOperations.add(5, 10) # Call the static method: 15
product_result = MathOperations.multiply(5, 10) # Call the class method: 50
print(sum_result) # Output the sum result
print(product_result) # Output the product result