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Classes in C#

In C#, a class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines properties, methods, and events that represent the characteristics and behaviors of an object.

1. What is a Class?​

A class in C# defines the structure and behavior of objects. It includes fields, properties, methods, and constructors.


public class Car {
public string color = "red";
public void Drive() {
Console.WriteLine("The car is driving.");

This example defines a class Car with a property color and a method Drive.

2. Defining a Class​

In C#, classes are defined using the class keyword.


public class ClassName {
// fields, properties, methods, and constructors


public class Person {
public string Name;
public int Age;

3. Fields in Classes​

Fields are variables that hold data related to an object. They are typically private but can be public as well.


public class Person {
public string Name; // Field

4. Properties​

Properties provide controlled access to fields and use get and set accessors.


public class Person {
private string name;

public string Name {
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }

5. Methods in Classes​

Methods define actions that an object can perform.


public class Car {
public void Drive() {
Console.WriteLine("The car is driving.");

6. Constructors​

Constructors initialize an object when it is created.


public class Person {
public string Name;

public Person(string name) {
Name = name; // Constructor initializes the Name property

7. Access Modifiers​

Access modifiers control the visibility of class members (public, private, protected).


public class Car {
private string color; // Private member
public void SetColor(string c) {
color = c; // Public method to set color

8. Static Classes and Members​

Static classes cannot be instantiated, and static members belong to the class itself rather than an instance.


public static class Utility {
public static void PrintMessage(string message) {


Classes are essential for object-oriented programming in C#. They provide a way to organize data and behaviors in your programs, making them more modular and maintainable.

Happy coding!