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10 docs tagged with "react-dom"

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Adding A CSS Modules Stylesheet

Learn how to add a CSS Modules stylesheet to your Create React App project. Use scoped styling and prevent naming clashes by automatically generating unique class names for your styles.

Adding A CSS Reset

Learn how to add a CSS reset to your Create React App project using PostCSS Normalize. Ensure consistent styling across different browsers by providing a solid foundation for your React components.

Adding A Stylesheet

Learn how to add a stylesheet to your Create React App project. Style your components and make them visually appealing with CSS.

Available Scripts

Learn about the available scripts in a Create React App project. Use these scripts to start, test, build, and eject your app, as well as to run custom scripts.

Debugging Tests in Create React App

Learn how to debug tests in React applications using Chrome DevTools and Visual Studio Code. Uncover the mysteries of debugging and defeat the Bug Monsters in your test code!

Installing a Dependency

Learn how to install a dependency in your Create React App project. Unleash the power of enchanting packages and add new spells to your React app with the help of npm.

Post Processing CSS

Learn how to leverage post-processing CSS in Create React App to enhance your stylesheets and ensure cross-browser compatibility. Automatically add vendor prefixes, embrace new CSS features, and more.

Running Tests in Create React App

Learn how to run tests in a Create React App project using Jest. Explore the basics of testing and discover the joy of catching bugs early!

Unleash the Magic of the Public Folder

Learn how to use the public folder in a Create React App project. Customize the HTML file and add assets directly to the public folder to enhance your React application.