Balanced Parentheses
The Balanced Parentheses problem involves determining whether a given string of parentheses is valid, meaning every opening bracket has a corresponding closing bracket in the correct order.
The Balanced Parentheses problem involves determining whether a given string of parentheses is valid, meaning every opening bracket has a corresponding closing bracket in the correct order.
This algorithm checks if the parentheses in a given expression are balanced using a stack to ensure each opening parentheses has a corresponding closing one.
A MinStack is a data structure that supports standard stack operations while efficiently retrieving the minimum element in constant time.
Monotonic Stack is a data structure technique used to maintain elements in a particular order, typically increasing or decreasing, and is commonly used for solving problems involving range queries, such as finding the next greater element.
Monotonic Stack is a data structure technique used to maintain elements in a particular order, typically increasing or decreasing, and is commonly used for solving problems involving range queries, such as finding the next greater element.
Documentation for the Next Greater Element algorithm using a stack-based approach in C++
Basic Stack Operations:
A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. It allows operations to be performed at one end, called the top of the stack, making it efficient for scenarios such as expression evaluation, backtracking algorithms, and function call management.
A stack permutation is a reordering of an input sequence that can be achieved using a single stack with push and pop operations.
Reversing a stack involves changing the order of elements so that the bottom becomes the top and vice versa.
The Stock Span Problem is a financial problem that calculates the span of stock's price on a given day.
This program reverses a given string by pushing its characters onto a stack and then popping them back into the string.
Documentation for the Trapping Rain Water algorithm to calculate water trapped between bars of varying heights.
A guide to implementing a queue using two stacks with a lazy transfer approach for efficient operations.