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19 docs tagged with "problem-solving"

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DSA Problem Solution

The "Date to Binary Conversion" problem on LeetCode typically involves converting a given date into its binary representation.

Introduction of B-Tree

A B-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data for efficient insertion, deletion, and search operations.

Introduction of Circular

A B-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data for efficient insertion, deletion, and search operations.

Merge Intervals

This document explains the Merge Intervals problem, including its description, approach, and implementation.

Merge Two Sorted Arrays.

This problem is a common exercise in understanding array manipulation and is often used to illustrate the two-pointer technique

Odd Even Linked List

This document explains the Odd Even Linked List problem, including its description, approach, and implementation.

Palindrome Linked List

This document explains the Palindrome Linked List problem, including its description, approach, and implementation.

Plus One

The "Plus One" dsa problem is a classic algorithm challenge that involves manipulating an array of digits. The goal is to add one to a number represented by an array of its digits.

Removing Stars From a String

This document explains the Removing Stars From a String problem, including its description, approach, and implementation.

Reverse Linked List

This document explains the Reverse Linked List problem, including its description, approach, and implementation.


The Reverse Bits problem asks you to reverse the bits of a given 32-bit unsigned integer. Essentially, you need to flip the binary representation of the number so that the least significant bit (LSB) becomes the most significant bit (MSB) and vice versa."

Sweep Line Algorithm

This document explains the Merge Intervals problem using the Sweep Line Algorithm, including its description, approach, and implementation in C++.

Two Sum

This document explains the Two Sum problem, including its description, approach, and implementation.