Add two numbers represented as linked lists
This document provides a detailed explanation and implementation for adding two numbers represented as linked lists, including step-by-step instructions and example code.
This document provides a detailed explanation and implementation for adding two numbers represented as linked lists, including step-by-step instructions and example code.
Applications of Linked List in various fields including data structures, operating systems, and dynamic memory allocation.
Cloning a linked list that contains both next and random pointers involves creating a new linked list that is an exact copy of the original, preserving the structure and relationships of the nodes.
This document provides a detailed explanation and implementation for deleting all occurrences of a key in a doubly linked list , including step-by-step instructions and example code.
This document explains the 'Deleting the middle element of a linked list' problem, including its description, approach, and implementation.
This document includes solution to problem finding loop in a linked list along with approach and implementation.
Flattening a linked list involves converting a multi-level linked list into a single-level linked list.
Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algorithm, also called the Tortoise and Hare Algorithm, is a method used to detect cycles in a linked list. It uses two pointers that move at different speeds through the list to determine if a cycle exists.
Linked lists are dynamic data structures, and various approaches can be used to solve problems involving linked lists. This file outlines iterative and recursive approaches used to implement and manipulate linked lists.
A Linked List is a linear data structure in which elements are stored in nodes, and each node points to the next node, forming a chain. Unlike arrays, linked lists do not store elements in contiguous memory locations. Instead, each node holds two main components: data and a reference (or pointer) to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows for dynamic memory allocation, meaning the list can grow or shrink as needed without reallocating or resizing.
Addition of two polynomials represented as linked lists and displays the resulting polynomial
1. Basic Operations on Linked List
Calculate the sum of node values within this range.
In a linked list, the goal is to rearrange the nodes such that all even-valued nodes appear before all odd-valued nodes.