Balanced Binary Tree Checker
Learn how to implement a balanced binary tree checker in Java, with explanations of the algorithm and time complexity analysis.
Learn how to implement a balanced binary tree checker in Java, with explanations of the algorithm and time complexity analysis.
Learn how to implement a balanced binary tree checker in JavaScript, with explanations of the algorithm and time complexity analysis.
Given an integer array nums, return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and return false if every element is distinct.
The "Date to Binary Conversion" problem on LeetCode typically involves converting a given date into its binary representation.
A palindrome reads the same forwards and backwards, like "121" or "racecar."
Solve the House Robber problem using dynamic programming to maximize the amount of money that can be robbed from houses without robbing two adjacent houses.
Solve the Partition Equal Subset Sum problem using dynamic programming to check if a set can be partitioned into two subsets with equal sum.
The Reverse Bits problem asks you to reverse the bits of a given 32-bit unsigned integer. Essentially, you need to flip the binary representation of the number so that the least significant bit (LSB) becomes the most significant bit (MSB) and vice versa."
Solve the Rotten Oranges problem using Breadth-First Search (BFS) to determine the minimum time required for all fresh oranges to rot.
This document explains the Merge Intervals problem using the Sweep Line Algorithm, including its description, approach, and implementation in C++.